Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Today we took a trip to Formosa TV, one of the large Taiwan stations on channel 53. We were given a presentation by the editor in chief of the only english news program on a Chinese station here in Taiwan. He seemed very nervous, and seemingly forgetful on some of the things he actually does, but really tried to answer all of our questions to the best of his knowledge.

We were then taken around the 14 floor of the building, which is the Taipei studio for FTV, and got to see many of the places they actually film some of the talk shows and news programs. We were lead around by the anchor/executive producer of the english news program. The tour was not very long, and did not include many things in it, but I found it very interesting as this might be a field I'm looking toward in the future.

After heading back and playing some volleyball, we were taken to a Hot Pot restaurant. The restaurant included a buffet, mostly of raw food, and a boll of soup they put in front of you. Your job is to boil the soup with the oven in front of you, then cook your food inside of it. The concept was really neat, and it took me a while
to get the hang of it, but it really was not one of my favorite places. It reminded me a lot of the Mongolian Grills back home, where you get to pick your meat, vegetables, fruit, and sauce and they cook it for you on a grill. Only this was in boiling soup, which I really didn't think tasted that well. I much prefer the Mongolian Grills back home. But it was interesting none the less.

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